About me

Gender Male
Introduction Born in Glagow MT, but raised in small town SC. Years in Military, stioned Germany, Stateside. Signal Officer and currently work FT Gordon. Live in Evans, GA. I have a beautiful wife, 2 Step Children girls (one married so a Step son), a GrandChild (yes I can relate to Palin's with Bristol) then 8 year old twin girls. Graduate University South Carolina. My life experiences have made me who I am. Between raising a family, being raised in a Christian Homes where my parents walk the walk more than talk the talk is where I get my values. My travels both military (Germany, Iraq) civilian travels (Antartica and India examples) I have learned that my life experiences have shaped me and where I got any of my wisdom. College taught me to finish what I start and to research, but I learned way more in my work and family responsibilities.
Interests Running, History, Politics, my Family, College Football