Eff Gwazdor

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Introduction DOWNLOAD GLYPIX THEME MP3 thinking caps on, psycho-scene ///////// algorithmic chaos-screen /////////////////// proletari' flashcore band /////////////////// synesthetic superscam ////////////////////// nonsense, content, data-voice //////////// australopithecus noise ////////////////////////////////// tell me lies, sweet pocket-ghost /////////////// parasitic hyperhost ////////////////////////////////////// ///////// open yr eyes, relax yr brain ////////////// ///////// 'til yr hypmotized again /////////////////// ///////// don't be afraid of what you say /////// ///////// it's just "magick" with a "k" //////////// wiki uzi, zip yr soul //////////////////////////// Anasazi smart-patrol /////////////////////////// memeplex heartbeat, bang yr dead //////// replaceable sprocket-head //////////////////// monster rebel, nerd-net fear ///////////////// a.d.h.d. spin-art seer ////////////////////////////// nimrod pimp-punk corpritt clones ///////////// gliphs & pictures, skulls & bones /////////////