
About me

Location Oregon, United States
Introduction Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted to write novels about love, life, family and the pursuit of happiness. She wanted to live in a house that had a garret, which would be her haven to write, much like Jo March in Little Women. As Virginia Woolf said, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. ." The little girl did not know who Virginia Woolf was, or how important these words were, did not think too much about money, and she never quite had a room of her own until she left her parents' house. And then she grew up. . .embarked on some interesting journeys, with no known destination. This is not a destination. This is a journey. And the novel is yet to be written. . .on paper or computer. It is like scattered pieces of a jumbo puzzle in the recesses of my mind.
Interests reading, listening to music, learning new languages, cinema, feminism, sociolinguistics, language change, morphology, word origins.

Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?

because the choo-choos had ended their journey?!