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Blogger Olive said...

Much as I like Matthew Parris, I don't see the point he is trying to make. Is he really saying that a monomaniacal Gordon Brown would be preferable to the bumbling halfwit Gordon Brown we're currently saddled with?

15 April 2008 at 01:04

Blogger Heresiarch said...

Very true. And it goes to the heart of the misplaced Blair nostalgia: the notion that Blair was preferable to Brown because, in his deranged, quasi-messianic way he knew where he was going. That it's better to be led in the wrong direction than not led at all.

I'm all for incompetent government, personally. Most of the time the country would manage perfectly well without constant government activism. Think back to the Major years: nothing much happened, but in a good way. There were far fewer unnecessary and unworkable laws, for one thing. Far fewer wars, as well.

15 April 2008 at 16:46

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